Board of Directors

Bryan Evans
As the Chief Financial Officer at JB Entreprises, he would like to welcome you to our family. As a previously experienced administrator, he has worked for many companies from the private to the public sectors, and must say that he has found the most enjoyment in the work done here at JB Entreprises. Being able to perform this work in such an amazing environment has been incredible. His responsibility is to make sure that you feel welcomed and that your concerns and needs are met, both efficiently and timely, to the best of the firm’s ability.
His duties as Chief Financial Officer include managing the firm’s administration and technology as well as overseeing our financial operations and strategies. His education in Systems Administration, Project Management and Business Administration has prepared him for this career, while his work experience with highly regarded Not-For-Profit and For-Profit corporations has allowed me to perfect his skills in a way that has made him an asset to many entities across the country. He hopes to utilize this expertise and experience to aide each of our clients and staff towards reaching their goals and becoming better for themselves and the companies which they own, manage, or otherwise serve. One of his mottos in life is, “Live life by design and not by default.” He endeavors each day to propel himself and others to live a designed life with purposeful direction.